Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wide-eyed Optimist on Obama

I am unapologetically taken with Obama.  I must say that I truly thought that George Bush was a small man.  I think it takes a very big person to be President.  Bush was loved by those closest to him who saw how loyal he was to his friends and that he did want to be a hero to his country.  He fell miserably short though, because he did not have the emotional/intellectual capacity to conceive of the Presidency.  Obama does, and moreover he seems to be a very good manager as well, or at least very good at inspiring others to manage well and become leaders, too.  Seth Godin outlined the difference between leaders and managers.  I met a leader in my first job at a drug store when I was in high school. Unfortunately she never was ableto break out of the financial and cultural constraints on women at the time.  Bush turned out to be neither a leader nor a good manager.  Obama has surrounded himself with leaders.  They will do a great job managing, too.  I had tears in my eyes as I listened to Reverend Lowry give the benediction.  I am very happy for all people of color.  I can only begin to imagine what they feel.  Yet, part of me wishes we had been celebrating Hillary Clinton as the first woman President.  I think it is a type of denial for women to say things such as "I don't like women bosses."  I have worked with many women over the years who would have made great bosses, but that option was never open to them.  Anyways, I am excited and feel safe having Obama in charge.  May he and Hillary do well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say I enjoyed reading your blog. I am happier than I have been for a long time with Obama being President! To me watching the inauguration was such an inspiring site. Reading The Audacity of Hope by Obama is giving me greater insight to the man we have been watching campaign for two years. I pray that all the people he has appointed will together help our nation move forward and begin to CHANGE for the better!